You were thirsty! Downing 16 ounces of any fluid can cause an immediate “gain” of 1 pound.
You’re backed up. Constipation can tilt the scale by as much as 2 pounds if it’s been more than a couple of days since your bowels did their thing.
You’re going on vacation. To Thailand. The changes in air pressure can make you retain water on flights longer than 4 hours, which can show up as an extra 1 to 3 pounds on the scale.
You ate the Chicken Kung Pao. Have a salty dinner and you could wake up 2 to 3 pounds heavier your body retains water to dilute all that sodium.
Aunt Flo’s on her way. Hormone fluctuations in the 3 days leading up to your period can make you retain up to 5 pounds of water.