
Fill up For Fast Weight Loss

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf Monday, April 26, 2010

1. Pack a packet Instant oatmeal beats out All Bran and Muesli for fullness factor. We love Quaker’s Weight Control Maple and Brown Sugar it tastes heavenly and has more fiber, protein, and whole grains than the regular variety.

2. Find berry treasure Raspberries are one of the most fiber-filled fruits, packing 8 grams into a cupful a whopping 32 percent of your RDA. Add some to your cereal or yogurt.

3. Can the juice Whole fruit has a higher fiber content and makes you feel fuller than fruit juices, even those with pulp.

4. Make a dinner date A study found that women eat less than usual on dates (men tend to eat a lot more).

5. But don’t eat by candlelight Dim light can trigger binge eating