
5 Tips to Lose Weight

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Here are five tips to help you get skinny feel and look great.

1) Drink plenty of water keeping your body properly hydrated helps flush toxins from your system.

2) Get plenty of sleep your body uses this time to repair itself

3) Regular exercise you won`t need to spend money on expensive exercise programs taking the stairs instead of the elevator walk to the store get active in your everyday life and you will soon see the calories fall away.

4) Try to eat a healthy balanced diet but you need not be afraid to treat yourself occasionally be sensible think about what you eat...

5) Show yourself some love you have many great attributes think about the things you like about yourself focus on your good points you definitely have some and the better you feel about yourself the easier it will be to get the body you want.