
How to Lose Weight While Dining Out

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fast Food: Fried Onions and Tacos and Burgers, Oh My!
When you're at the office or on the road, sometimes fast food is a necessary evil. Aside from staying away from the tempting treats, here are a few things that will keep your waist shrinking as you order up. Before you take a bite of that Mexican Salad, know what you are eating and if it fits into your particular dietary regiment. As restaurants are required by law to show the content of the food that they provide, most fast food restaurants chains will have this data available on their websites. Usually fast foods restaurants will have healthy choices available that you can pick from, such as salads, wraps, or food that was grilled or broiled, instead of fried. Request that high-fat and high-calorie dressings and condiments be replaced with a healthier choice or left out entirely; requesting mustard instead of mayo for instance. Remember to always choose the diet drinks over their sugary counterparts. Opting for a diet coke rather than a regular one will end up saving you a whole whopping 210 calories!

The Fatty Truth of Fine Dining
When eating at a fine restaurant, there are a few things that you should know about food preparation. One of the most important things to keep in mind about restaurant dining is the portion size. Restaurants have found that by increasing the portion size they can charge exponentially more for the meal. To avoid being served too much, ask the server for the portion size of the particular dish, or better yet, simply order from your menu's appetizers. A soup as your entrée is an excellent choice, as it is very filling. Just be sure to stick to broth-based soups, and avoid those that are cream-based. When ordering meat, such as steak or port, be sure to ask your server what cut of meat is being served. Restaurants generally prefer fatty cuts of meat to lean cuts, because not only are they cheaper, but they taste better as well, thus allowing them to charge more.
Always ask the server how the food is prepared. Frying foods, or butter and oil-heavy cooking allows the restaurant to charge higher prices while saving money on the preparation. Don't be fooled; if you don't notice it on the menu, request specifically for your food to be cooked in a healthy manner such as broiled, steamed, grilled, baked, or roasted. Limit yourself to one drink per meal. Alcohol is very calorie heavy, and it lowers your inhibitions, which is the last thing you want to do while dieting. Give yourself ten to twenty minutes before ordering desert for your food to digest, so that you will be fuller and order less. Offer to split a dish with your companion, or look for healthy choices such as yogurts, light sorbets, or fruit bowls.

Things to Remember
When you're dining out, try to keep in mind your diet and how to lose weight. Be it fast food, or wining and dining out on the town, remember that you can still make healthy choices. Pick the grilled chicken sandwich instead of the triple bacon cheeseburger, or choose a grilled salmon salad with vinaigrette instead of filet minion. Plan ahead of time, and make sure your other two meals of the day are smaller to compensate for the increase in calories during your later meal. Avoid those tempting cheese cakes and mega surf-and-turf platters. Stick to your guns, and order yourself the small or kid size serving. Treat yourself to fresh fruits after dinner. Most important, remember that eating healthy and losing weight is far from impossible, because it is up to you.

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5 Tips to Lose Weight

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Here are five tips to help you get skinny feel and look great.

1) Drink plenty of water keeping your body properly hydrated helps flush toxins from your system.

2) Get plenty of sleep your body uses this time to repair itself

3) Regular exercise you won`t need to spend money on expensive exercise programs taking the stairs instead of the elevator walk to the store get active in your everyday life and you will soon see the calories fall away.

4) Try to eat a healthy balanced diet but you need not be afraid to treat yourself occasionally be sensible think about what you eat...

5) Show yourself some love you have many great attributes think about the things you like about yourself focus on your good points you definitely have some and the better you feel about yourself the easier it will be to get the body you want.

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Diet Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Easy

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Many people dislike the idea of rigid diets. But, do not worry because in this article you will get some proven, quick and easy weight loss tips. Try to drink plenty of water throughout the day because water is a well known appetite suppressant that helps keep your stomach full which is important for stopping hunger pangs. Water is the best natural body cleanser that helps eliminate the toxins for your body. It is also beneficial for boosting your metabolism.

Do not skip your breakfast because it can make you hungrier later in the day leading to distorted satiety signals, which at last results in more eating. If you do not want to eat anything in the morning then try to have a liquid meal in order to give some fuel to your body.

Try to include lot of fiber rich sources in to your daily diet menu. Fiber rich diet is good for healthy digestion and also it helps boost your metabolism. Just like water, fiber rich foods bulk you up and make you feel full. Fiber rich foods are lower in their calorie content therefore, eating more of them means you are eating fewer calories. Try to include at least 8 grams of fiber per day in to your diet menu.

Try to include healthy fat in to your food menu. Good fats provides the body with essential fatty acids which are essential for several bodily functions such as reproduction and growth, production of prostaglandin, a hormone that helps regulate blood pressure, blood clotting, and inflammation. Some good sources of healthy fat include cold-water fish, mackerel and salmon, nuts, and olive oil.

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How to Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

If you are like many other people, you want to know how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. This is a difficult process, and it can be close to impossible if you do not deal with the underlying problem of hypothyroidism with some form of treatment.
Hypothyroidism can cause you to become sluggish and inactive, with a complete lack of energy and sudden increased weight gain. Your thyroid is a very sensitive organ and is responsible for a great deal of your body's functions. When it is not operating to full capacity, this is when you have issues.

Even when hypothyroidism is diagnosed, it can often be treated improperly, preventing you from feeling optimally healthy. Often people are very frustrated when they try to discover how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. You simply have to treat the underlying issues first and then weight loss will follow, naturally.

The condition of hypothyroidism affects more people in the United States than diabetes; however, it is largely less recognized and understood. This leaves people frustrated and looking for alternative treatments. This condition is a not a "one size fits all" simple and easy to treat condition. Often, holistic and natural treatments can do much more for a person suffering with this condition than conventional medications.

When you have hypothyroidism, the answer of how to lose weight with hypothyroidism comes down to treating the condition. Once you start to live with the condition and treat it with natural remedies, you should notice that it becomes much easier to lose that excess weight once and for all.

Natural remedies are a good solution to the problem because they are 100% natural, not harmful and effective in getting to the root of the condition for treatment and correction of the issues. There are a variety of natural treatments, you simply need to decide which one works best for you. So if you have been wondering how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, why not get started on some natural solutions now.

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1 Simple Tip to Help You Lose Weight

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Losing Weight & Staying Motivated Tip #1: Change Starts With YOU!
The most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is by making changes to your diet. We live in a world where junk food, greasy fried foods, and other unhealthy food choices are the norm. We are so busy in our lives that most of us do not have the time to cook healthy meals after a long day at work or between family activities. Therefore, we turn to fast food and quick meals that are often unhealthy.

It is important to find the time to eat healthy. Increasing the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables that you eat can go a long way towards your weight loss goals. It is also important to cut out carbohydrates. Eating smaller portions is also very effective. The best way to eat less is to increase the amount of water that you are drinking. Drink a full glass of cold water before and after every meal. The water will make you feel fuller and you will eat less. It will also improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Important Tips & Considerations
The process of losing weight is not a race to see how much weight you can drop in the shortest time possible. Instead, losing weight is a lifelong commitment that you must be willing to take on in order to not only drop the weight, but keep it off for good. Without this frame of mind, you will easily become discouraged along the way and want to give up because you have lost your motivation for losing weight, or find that your efforts are not paying off as quickly as you expected them to.

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Can Water Help to Lose Weight?

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Drinking nearly 2 liters of water per day is often the quoted ideal for anyone wondering how water help to loss weight might be helpful. Two liters of water a day might sound like a lot to drink for anyone not used to drinking water on a frequent basis, but when you put it into perspective, spacing this quantity of water out over the course of a day is not going to be hard at all. All that needs to be done is for a routine to be created and it will become second nature.
Using water help to loss weight can be a real bonus when you think that many of the times when we think we are hungry, we are in fact really thirsty and dehydrated. So instead of reaching for a snack the next time you think you need some food, you should try drinking a glass of water instead.

Furthermore a real fact is that the more water we drink the less water our bodies feel the need to hold onto. This might sound counter-intuitive, but if you are not drinking plenty of water then you will have a tendency to be bloated and that will increase your weight. This is because when enough water is not being consumed, your body goes into panic mode and holds onto the water it already has because it fears dehydration.

Therefore drinking a lot of water during the day will stop your body from panicking and holding onto water, because your body knows that it is going to be frequently hydrated. This means your body will get to the point where it will by natural means let water go from your body and you will begin to drop the pounds. This really is one of the key elements of how water help to loss weight can work.

What water can also do if you are looking to lose weight, is to take out the build up of toxic compounds from the body. So begin your day with a glass of water to rehydrate the body after a nights sleep. You will feel not only refreshed, but you will immediately kick start your entire body metabolism after a night asleep. So certainly, if you are looking to lose some weight, fill up on water and keep yourself well hydrated because water is the perfect drink to drink when you are looking to lose weight.

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Fasting Your Way to the Body You Want

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

What is intermittent fasting you ask? How can it help me lose weight and reach my weight loss goals? Well, you may not know what it is but you definitely should. Intermittent fasting is the practice of abstaining from all but water for a period of usually 24 hours to help with the goals associated with fat loss and weight control in general. It may seem too good to be true but it works and here are the main reason why you should be using this method of weight control if you are serious about fat loss and muscle building.

You have to remember that weight loss is based on calories in versus calories out. By fasting 1 to 2 days per week you eliminate full caloric intake days from your weekly consumption. This is HUGE!! Combining this reduction of calories with your workout plan can create amazing results. By working out and fasting you are eliminating your caloric intake and burning the fat stored in your body, what could be better for weight loss that that? This is definitely for people looking for maximum weight loss and maximum fat loss.

Now you may be concerned that you won't be able to maintain your workouts while fasting due to a drain on your energy and metabolism. But don't worry those concerns are usually only related to long term fasts not intermittent ones like this. One to 2 days of fasting can actually increase your energy levels and increase the speed of your metabolism. Awesome combination for weight loss! Don't be scared that you won't have the energy to maintain a moderate to intense workout schedule, remember the calories will continue the next day.
The next reason fasting is a great way to speed up your weight loss plan is because of the effects that you may not see but that are working for you. Fasting helps to cleanse your system of all the toxins that get stored up from our regular diets. You will also feel a sense of accomplishment and control when are in control of your body not the food or the people marketing food to you. You know what makes your body feel good and fasting helps you get to that point of awareness; don't be a slave to food!

Intermittent fasting is used by millions of people to maintain their weight and lose weight. It can speed up your journey to achieve your weigh loss goals by enhancing your and workout routines. So why spend money on prepackaged food week after week, follow the intermittent fasting programs and get healthy, reach your fat and weight loss goals and get control of your weight. You'll be amazed at how great you will feel!

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20 Ways to Lose Weight

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf Tuesday, April 27, 2010

1. Take it one step at a time
Start by paying attention to what you eat. Cut back on fat and sweets and add more fruit and vegetables. After you have that under control, add exercise. If you hate to exercise try it for only 15 minutes a day at first, then a 1/2-hour. Keep in mind that while you are exercising you are burning calories and not eating. Also, it will be easier if you chose an activity that you enjoy.

2. Find a friend
It is always good to have support when you are trying to lose weight. Find a friend who wants to lose weight and compare notes, weigh-in together and maybe even have a contest.

3. Use weights
Working out weights will build muscle and raise your metabolism so you will burn more calories. Also, muscle takes up less space than fat so you will be smaller ( but probably weigh more).

4. Eat fewer carbs
Don't eat as much bread and pasta and you will see a difference.

5. Set a goal
Set a deadline to lose the weight and write it down. For example, ' By Dec 14/04 I will weigh 150 lbs or less'. Put it somewhere you will see it daily.

6. Give up soda
If you drink a soda or 2 a day you are adding empty calories. If you find it hard to stop completely, cut back at first and drink water instead.

7. Grill or boil
Avoid fried meat, grill and use lots of spices. You will get used to it and probably enjoy it more.

8. Don't buy junk food
When you go shopping, don't go on an empty stomach and you will be less likely to buy junk food. Keep your home 'junk food free' so you won't be tempted to indulge.

9. Eat breakfast
Consume most of your calories early in the day and always eat breakfast. Don't eat after 8pm and not only will you avoid those added calories but you will sleep better.

10. Give yourself a treat
When you tell yourself that you can't have something you want it more. Give yourself a treat once a day ( ie. half a cookie) and you won't feel you are missing out.

11. Use smaller plates
Trick yourself into believing that you are eating more by using a smaller plate.

12. Drink lots of water
Drink water when you are feeling hungry and you will get that 'full' feeling.

13. Don't eat everything on your plate
Many times we eat just because it's there. Pay attention to when you have had enough.

14. Eat five or six meals a day
Eating more frequently will keep you from getting too hungry.

15. Plan your workout sessions
Write your workout sessions in your journal or planner.

16. Stay away from fad diets
Fad diets don't work. If you lose weight fast chances are that you will gain it back ( and more) just as fast. It takes time to put it on and time to take it off.

17. Do several workouts a day
While you are watching TV do crunches and leg lifts.

18. Measure your food
If you decide to have junk food for a snack - be sure to measure and control what you eat.

19. Keep pre-cut vegetables and ward off those cravings.

20. Create Good Habits
It is a known fact that when we do something twenty-one times it becomes a habit. Create good eating habits.

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Diet Math

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf Monday, April 26, 2010

The key to how to naturally lose weight fast is knowing that it takes 3,500 calories to make a pound of weight, so it takes consuming 3,500 calories fewer (or burning 3,500 calories more) to lose a pound of weight.
That means if you burn 500 calories a day more than you have been, without any change in your diet, you'll lose a pound a week. If you combine being more active with cutting 500 calories of food a day, you'll lose two pounds a week.
Using the above guidelines and cutting out some of the high-calorie snacks and sodas you're eating now in favor of lower-calorie fruits and vegetables should make losing weight naturally and quickly easy for you.

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How to Naturally Lose Weight Fast

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Before we talk about specific strategies for losing weight quickly, there are a few healthy basics that you need to make sure are in place before you begin a weight-loss program: Exercise. If you aren't getting regular exercise, get started. Go for a walk or do some other moderate exercise at least three times a week, and work up to five times a week if you can. Water. Most people go through life dehydrated, and it is important to drink a lot of water when you are trying to lose weight. Replacing caloric beverages with water can make a big difference, and drinking water may help make feelings of hunger go away. Sleep. Getting adequate rest is vital to having the energy to exercise, as well as to keeping your metabolism in good working order. If you aren't getting at least seven hours of sleep right now, do what you can to start sleeping more.
Once you have these basics in place, losing weight naturally and quickly will be easier. There's no magic bullet involved in this plan, but if you can stick with it you should find yourself losing weight steadily. Eat more fruits and vegetables. It seems like many diet plans start with this basic, and there's a good reason for it. Fruits and vegetables are high in water and fiber and low in calories. That means they'll make you feel fuller longer and with fewer calories than other foods. Stock up on whole grains. Again, fiber is the reason that complex carbs should be on your plate. Whole grains keep your blood sugar on an even level through the day, which will keep you from running for that 4 p.m. candy bar. They're also low in calories for the fullness factor you get from them. Choose lean protein. And cut back on meat if you can. Beans, tofu and lean meats are satisfying without all the fat that's found in some cuts of beef and pork. And go for preparations that don't add a lot of fat, such as grilling or sautéing. Try some natural metabolism boosters. Did you know there are foods that boost your metabolism? Try adding oatmeal, green tea and foods with a spicy kick to your diet to give it a boost.
Making these basic changes, along with getting regular exercise, should help you lose a couple of pounds a week, so long as you keep your calories in check.

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The Importance of Natural Weight Loss

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Many people want to lose weight, but most of them want to steer clear of fad diets and crash diets that may work in the short term but don't provide long-term weight loss results and may actually cause health problems down the line.
Just because a supplement is considered safe now does not mean that some time later it won't be decided that the manufactured product or drug is dangerous. It is much better to learn how to naturally lose weight fast, because it is safe and allows you to approach weight loss in a healthy way that keeps the weight off in the future.

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Unexpected Gains of Weight

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

You were thirsty! Downing 16 ounces of any fluid can cause an immediate “gain” of 1 pound.
You’re backed up. Constipation can tilt the scale by as much as 2 pounds if it’s been more than a couple of days since your bowels did their thing.

You’re going on vacation. To Thailand. The changes in air pressure can make you retain water on flights longer than 4 hours, which can show up as an extra 1 to 3 pounds on the scale.
You ate the Chicken Kung Pao. Have a salty dinner and you could wake up 2 to 3 pounds heavier your body retains water to dilute all that sodium.

Aunt Flo’s on her way. Hormone fluctuations in the 3 days leading up to your period can make you retain up to 5 pounds of water.

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8 Things You Wanted to Know About Diets

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Q. Will chewing low-cal foods like sugar-free gum and celery help me burn calories?
A. It might, but hardly enough to trigger weight loss. Gum and certain veggies are often called “negative-calorie” foods because they supposedly take more energy for your body to chew or digest than they contain.
The negative-calorie myth was put to the test when researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, asked people to chew sugarless gum at a rate of 100 bites per minute. After calculating the energy expended (about 11 calories per hour), they concluded that a person who chomped on a piece every waking hour of the day for a month would lose less than a pound. As for celery? All that crunching does burn energy, but it amounts to less than the 6-calorie stalk contains. The bottom line: If you really want to shed pounds, give your jaw a rest and start moving your body.

Q. Can coffee really rev up my metabolism?
A. It’s true: Java can stoke your calorie-burning furnace—provided you drink it black. A study in the journal Metabolism found that the caffeine in two cups of coffee may cause a 145-pound woman to expend up to 50 extra calories over the next four hours. “Caffeine stimulates your nervous system, signaling the body to release a small amount of energy from its fat stores,” says lead researcher Paul Arciero, Ph.D., an associate professor of exercise science at Skidmore College. “But stirring in milk, cream, or sugar can cause your insulin levels to rise, which diminishes that metabolic effect.”
Don’t try to accelerate the weightloss process by sipping black coffee all day, though. Arciero recommends not exceeding three cups in a day, as too much caffeine can cause anxiety, nausea, and headaches.

Q. Will eating after 8 p.m. make me gain weight?
A. That all depends. Contrary to popular belief, the snack you have before bedtime won’t automatically be stored as fat. “The most important factor affecting your weight is how many total calories you eat each day, not what the clock reads when you eat them,” says Suzanne Farrell, R.D., a Denver nutritionist and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
That said, skimping on meals during the day may set you up to overeat at night, which can pack on pounds. A recent study in the Journal of Nutrition found that the less food people ate for breakfast and lunch, the more they ate after sundown-and the higher their total calorie intake for the day.
“Our brain’s satiation mechanism—its way of telling us we’re ready—tends to become weaker as the day progresses,” says John de Castro, Ph.D., lead study author and a professor of psychology at Sam Houston State University. “That means you may have to eat more in the evening in order to feel full.” His research suggests that have having a larger breakfast, a moderate-size lunch, and a smaller dinner can help you consume fewer calories and reduce the temptation to nosh at night.

Q. Would eating carbs, fat, and protein separately help me lose weight?
A. No. While the concept of “food combining,” or eating certain nutrients at specific times (and excluding others), has fallen in and out of vogue for decades, there are no proven benefits. The theory is that different food types (proteins, fats, starches, sugars, and acidic foods) require their own digestive enzymes in order to be metabolized properly. Some claim that mixing these groups or eating them at the wrong times could cause digestive issues or weight gain. For advocates of this eating style, having orange juice and scrambled eggs at a sitting, or even a turkey sandwich, is forbidden.
To determine if a food-combining diet could confer any health or weight-loss benefits, researchers at University Hospital Geneva in Switzerland put two sets of obese patients on low-calorie diets for six weeks. The first group followed a food-combining plan (eating carbohydrates at one meal and fats and protein at another), while the second ate meals that contained all three nutrients. While both groups took in the same amount of calories, those on the balanced diet actually lost about 3 pounds more than the food-combining group—and lowered their blood pressure to boot.

Q. Should I eat a doughnut at morning work meetings, or have nothing at all?
A. Doughnuts are the better choice, but just marginally. “Not only are they excessively high in fat, but doughnuts are also made with sugar and white flour, carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream,” says Farrell. “You may feel satisfied during your meeting, but you’ll probably start feeling hungry shortly thereafter.” Over time, these breakfasts may lead to weight gain: A Saint Louis University study found that women who chose carb-rich meals over higher-protein ones ate about 400 more calories and had stronger cravings over the next 36 hours.
The next time your boss calls an impromptu brainstorming session, go for a French cruller (169 calories, 8 grams of fat) or a glazed doughnut (190 calories, 10 grams of fat) and skip the cream-filled (307 calories, 21 grams of fat) and cake versions (303 calories, 17 grams of fat). And while muffins may seem like a healthier bet, keep in mind that some pack nearly 700 calories and 33 fat grams!
If you expect things to wrap up within an hour or so, eat breakfast after the meeting. Keep an emergency stash of options, like whole-grain cereal and high-fiber energy bars, at your desk.

Q. Will blotting my pizza cut down on calories?
A. It won’t soak up all of the fat and calories in your lunch, but it can make a dent. “If you’re eating a medium slice of cheese pizza, swabbing it first with a napkin can remove up to 45 calories and 5 grams of fat,” says Farrell.
But all the mopping in the world won’t help if you’re ordering the wrong kind of pie. A report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, D.C., found that stuffed-crust and meat-lovers varieties, which can clock in at 800 calories per slice, contain more than a day’s worth of fat and sodium.
If you really want to improve the nutritional profile of your pizza, skip the meat toppings and order your pie with extra veggies—like mushrooms, spinach, or broccoli—and half the cheese (which saves about 80 calories and 6 grams of fat per slice). Switching from deep-dish to thin-crust can also slash up to 200 calories and 6 grams of fat.

Q. Does exercising on an empty stomach burn more fat?
A. Yes, but you might not be able to work out as hard as you would if you’d eaten first. Researchers at the University of Ottawa in Canada asked two groups of people to hit the treadmill in the morning until they’d blasted 400 calories. The joggers who skipped breakfast burned 58 percent more fat than those who had eaten a meal before their run. But pre-workout fasting won’t necessarily translate into weight loss. “People incorrectly assume that if you’re using fat for fuel, it equates to losing body fat,” says Nancy Clark, R.D., a sports nutritionist in West Newton, Massachusetts. “But what affects weight loss most is how many calories you’ve depleted during your workout and if you’ve sustained a deficit by the day’s end.”
It may sound counterintuitive, but having a 150- to 200-calorie snack at least 30 minutes before your sweat session could help you get slimmer in the long run. A study from Pennsylvania State University found that women who had a mini-meal before their workout were able to exercise up to 16 percent longer than those who drank only water beforehand. Plus, says Clark, women who exercise on empty become so ravenous after they finish that they often end up making poor food choices. Eating a banana or a granola bar before lacing up your sneakers can give you the energy you need to crank up the intensity.

Q. Can foods like cabbage soup and grapefruit help me flush fat?
A. Despite long-standing rumors to the contrary, “there’s no science proving that any particular food can burn, melt, or flush away fat,” says Donald Hensrud, M.D., an associate professor of preventive medicine and nutrition at the Mayo Clinic. “If a woman loses weight on a grapefruit or cabbage soup plan, it’s likely because she has cut calories by restricting her intake to a handful of foods.”
Hensrud’s colleagues at the Mayo Clinic (which is often incorrectly credited with creating both the cabbage soup and grapefruit diets) estimated that people who follow either plan faithfully eat 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day. “You’d almost certainly lose weight eating 1,000 calories of anything, whether it’s bananas or potato chips,” he says. “But it will be pretty tough to keep the pounds from returning once you return to your normal diet.”

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Lose Weight Without Dieting

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

1. FOOL YOUR APPETITE“The amount of food on a plate – whether it’s one helping or four – is what most people consider a ‘normal’ serving,” says Jim Painter, Ph.D., R.D., a food psychologist at Eastern Illinois University. His recommendation: Downsize your dishes. “If you have a visual cue that tells you to stop before you get stuffed, you’ll eat less but feel just as satisfied.”

2. SAY NO TO CRIMEYou may want to record the latest episode of CSI or 24 so you can watch it after you finish dinner. “TV shows that feature murders or medical emergencies tend to remind us of our own mortality,” says Dirk Smeesters, Ph.D., an associate professor of marketing at Erasmus University in the Netherlands. “On a subconscious level, this can make some people feel a little depressed or upset – which can then trigger them to eat more food than they normally would.”

3. GIVE YOUR FORK A RESTChowing down like it’s an extreme sport can seriously up your calorie count, according to a new study from the University of Rhode Island. Researchers found that women with a body mass index of 22 (the middle of the “normal” range) who took 20 additional minutes to dine ate 10 percent less food and felt more satisfied than those who finished faster. “It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that you’re full,” says lead researcher Ana M. Andrade. Pile a little less onto your fork and put it down between bites. Then every five minutes or so, reassess whether you’re still hungry.

4. JOG YOUR MEMORYBefore grabbing that slice of pound cake to go with your afternoon latte, try recalling everything you ate for lunch that day. In a study published in Physiology & Behavior, adults who wrote down the details of their last meal (like the taste and texture) ate 33 percent less of the snacks they were offered than those who didn’t. “Remembering a recent meal could trigger the decision-making area of your brain,” says study author Suzanne Higgs, Ph.D., a researcher at the University of Birmingham in England. “And that can put the brakes on mindless eating.”

5. WATCH YOUR MOUTHIn a study conducted by Smeesters, people who were seated in front of a mirror ordered 19 percent less food than those who weren’t. “Staring at your reflection makes you more aware of your body and any weight-loss goals you might have,” he says. “As a result, you pay closer attention to the amount of food you’re eating and push the plate away sooner.” No mirror across from your dining room table? Sit in a chair that faces a window so you can catch a glimpse of yourself during dinner.

Taking Green Tea is a very good way to help your body burn fat faster, increases metabolic rate and boosts your immune system and mental alertness.

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6 Foods that Burn Fat

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

You probably know that fiber is the magic bullet of weight loss. It keeps you satisfied throughout the day — and away from the fridge. But you may not know that berries are an excellent roughage source. Raspberries are the fiber queens with 8 grams per cup. Blackberries come in a close second with 7.4 grams, and blueberries have 3.5 grams.

This clucker has the fewest calories per ounce of any animal protein. Like dairy, it contains the amino acid leucine, which may play a role in preserving muscle mass during weight loss, keeping metabolism running at full speed. Protein is also more satiating than fat or carbs — so you’re less likely to overeat.

Enova Oil
Enova — made from soy and canola oils — is made of diglycerides, a type of fat that’s metabolized differently from triglycerides (found in other oils — even olive) and so not stored as fat as easily. In a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, dieters who used Enova lost more weight than those who used other oils.

Ironically, this elephant favorite fights weight gain, slows rises in blood sugar, and curbs hunger. One study from Purdue University found that individuals who added 500 calories of peanuts to their diets for 3 weeks experienced almost no change in body weight and a 24 percent drop in triglycerides — blood fats associated with heart disease. Researcher Rick Mattes, Ph.D., says peanuts’ satiating power helps people eat less overall.

Low-Fat Yogurt
Plain, low-fat yogurt is one of the best sources of calcium — a mineral that may fight fat. According to Michael B. Zemel, Ph.D., director of the Nutrition Institute at the of Tennessee, not getting enough calcium triggers the release of calcitriol, a hormone that causes us to store fat, whereas meeting our daily calcium needs helps us burn fat more efficiently. Like turkey, yogurt and other dairy foods are leading sources of leucine, which also helps fight fat.

Breakfast Cereal
By boosting fiber and providing fewer calories from fat than other popular breakfasts (bacon and eggs, anyone?), ready-to-eat cereal can help you fill up — and slim down. Study from the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that women who ate cereal were 30 percent less likely to be overweight than those who ate other breakfast foods. To get the most bang for your breakfast buck, choose fiber-rich (aim for 5 grams per serving), low-fat cereals like Kashi Heart to Heart.

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Healthy Eating Tips

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Healthy eating tips # 1. Identify high-risk situations.
Few people overeat in every situation, so determine the circumstances that are likely to trigger a binge. Once you’ve identified which situations are most likely to spark emotional overeating, come up with a game plan for each one. For example, if eating at relatives’ always involves plentiful gooey desserts, plan to make or buy a low-fat dessert, and bring it with you for everyone to share. If you can’t go to the movies without snacking on something, sneak in your own bag of air-popped popcorn or some low-cal candy.

Healthy eating tips # 2. Keep a record of what you put in your mouth in a food diary.
In a study at the Center for Behavioral Medicine in Chicago, researchers asked 38 people who were trying to lose weight to keep a food diary; doing so not only helped them control their weight during high-risk holidays, but even helped them peel off unwanted pounds. Keep it simple—it doesn’t have to include total calories or fat grams—but don’t forget to jot down snacks or drinks, which can add up. You need to maintain a record at least 75 percent of the time for a food diary to be effective.

Healthy eating tips # 3. Explore food-free ways to socialize.
In social situations, everybody eats more if they see everybody else doing so. If this sounds familiar, get in the habit of bonding with friends over activities that don’t center around food: a walk at the park, an afternoon at a paint-your-own-pottery shop, a long bike ride or hike, or trying a new class at the gym.

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Fill up For Fast Weight Loss

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

1. Pack a packet Instant oatmeal beats out All Bran and Muesli for fullness factor. We love Quaker’s Weight Control Maple and Brown Sugar it tastes heavenly and has more fiber, protein, and whole grains than the regular variety.

2. Find berry treasure Raspberries are one of the most fiber-filled fruits, packing 8 grams into a cupful a whopping 32 percent of your RDA. Add some to your cereal or yogurt.

3. Can the juice Whole fruit has a higher fiber content and makes you feel fuller than fruit juices, even those with pulp.

4. Make a dinner date A study found that women eat less than usual on dates (men tend to eat a lot more).

5. But don’t eat by candlelight Dim light can trigger binge eating

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Weight Loss Surgery

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

For severely obese people for whom diet and exercise have failed, weight loss surgery can literally be lifesaving. It's estimated roughly 220,000 people underwent weight loss surgery last year in the U.S.
Depending on the type of weight loss surgery, patients often lose 30% to 50% of their extra weight 6 months after surgery. Yet weight loss surgery is major surgery and does come with small but serious risks. Read on to get familiar with the types of weight loss surgery available and how they work.

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Losing weight is a simple

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Losing weight is a simple mathematical formula: You need to burn more calories than you eat. Experts generally recommend creating a deficit of 500 calories per day through a combination of eating fewer calories and increasing physical activity. Over the course of a week, this should yield a loss of about 1-2 pounds of fat.
If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more. Bottom line: 1,050 to 1,200 calories and one hour of exercise a day (but be sure not to dip below this calorie level for safety's sake). On this type of plan, you can expect to lose 3-5 pounds the first week, or more if you weigh over 250 pounds.
"Dieters who follow the plan can lose 2 pounds from diet and 1 pound from exercise each week, and even more if they have more to lose, because the more fat you have to lose, the faster it comes off," says Dansinger.
You may lose even more weight initially if you limit salt and starches.
"When you reduce sodium and cut starches, you reduce fluids and fluid retention, which can result in up to 5 pounds of fluid loss when you get started," explains Dansinger.

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How to Lose Weight Fast

Posted by Lose Weight By Shaf

Step 1...
Determine your daily caloric intake.

Step 2...
Go over the list and decide which foods to cut out or reduce.

Step 3...
Seek out alternatives to the unhealthy foods you've identified.

Step 4...
Plan your meals.

Step 5...
Watch your portion sizes.

Step 6...
Graze on healthy snacks.

Step 7...
Get more fiber.

Step 8...
Drink plenty of water.

Step 9...

Step 10...
Perform low impact aerobic activities.

Step 11...
Pump some iron.

Step 12...
Be realistic.

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